Monday, February 4, 2013

Make Some Noise!

I just got home from picking Mac up from school. He has been spending less and less full days at school and so much more time at home. I never know what to do about it. Should I push for him to stay at school or should I just bring him home to rest? I don’t really think he will learn much at school if he is not really feeling well but having him home so much is such a reminder of how different our lives are from “normal” and I wonder how much of it is really not feeling well vs. just don’t want to be there. He has quickly learned that all he has to do is say he has a headache and my PTSD kicks in and we are out of there in a matter of minutes, usually with a big smile on his face. He is having his next MRI next Wednesday, February 13th so I guess we will know more about these “headaches” then.

As many of you know Billy and I attended a fundraiser Saturday night for Make Some Noise: Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation. I am in constant awe of the support system we have, so many of our family and friends came out to support not only the great cause, but our family as well. I was asked to share Mac’s journey and have attached a clip for anyone interested. I will keep everyone posted of any upcoming events for those interested.  

I am almost ashamed of how little I was aware of Childhood Cancer until it invaded our family. I am now Mac’s full-time caregiver and advocate. I would like to join the many people out there trying to bring awareness into every home and to those who can make a difference. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month; if anyone has any creative ideas or if you know people in positions of authority who can join in the crusade to “Go Gold in September” please spread the word and help save our children.


  1. I too knew very little of childhood cancer before March 8, 2010. Now, I feel like I know too much! Thank you so much for helping us to MAKE SOME NOISE!!!!

    Nancy and the Make Some Noise: Cure Kids Cancer - Boston Chapter

  2. I had the pleasure of attending this event and watching a very nervous Becky speak in front of a packed house. Her speech was both beautiful and impacting. She spoke with a great combination of love, fear, humor and anger, and used all of those emotions to emphasize the point that this is a very real thing that happens to very normal families. I doubt there was a dry eye in the house.

    Becky, I know you hear it a lot (as you should) but we are so very proud of you and all that you do to advocate for Mac's care. He is very fortunate to have a mother who is 110% involved in every step of his battle against cancer. Your speech that night was touching, and fierce all at the same time. When a world renowned Cancer specialist even admits you're a hard act to follow...I think that speaks volumes.

    Thank you for allowing us to fight along with you. We love Mac and will do anything and everything to continue loving and supporting you through fighting the good and worthwhile fight.

    You were awesome!

    Cousin Carragh
