Saturday, May 12, 2012

A little scare

Mac seems to be doing ok with the chemo. Although they were a little concerned yesterday because he seems to be a bit off. He gets out of bed but his walk was a little off and he is weaker than usual. A physical therapist has been coming to work with him and neurology was called yesterday for a consult. Neurology recommended a ct scan to take a look at what was going on. It was so scary to sit and wait for the results. If I have learned anything it is we take one step forwarded and two steps back. We are always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Thankfully, the ct scan came back ok and they think the change in him is just related to the chemo and other meds he is on. Its funny how last year when asked what I wanted for Mother's Day I would have had a list of things prepared. This year all I ask is for Mac to do well with this round of chemo and be able to come home on Monday as planned. This journey has not only changed the way I look at life but has opened up a whole new world of fear. Some great friends just had a baby and my usual response of "congratulations" has been replaced with "I prayer for a long and healthy life for him".

This Mother's Day weekend I say a special prayer for all the Mother's who have been down, are on, or will be down this road. There is nothing so helpless as a mother watching over a sick child praying not only for a cure but the opportunity to make more happy memories with them. So this Mother's Day I am taking the time to be thankful for the incredible gift of motherhood and the opportunity to help Liam and Mac grow and reach their full potential. I pray Mac and Liam will be able to some day grow to be the kind of men who will change the world just as their dad has changed our world. It is so much easier to be a mom when you are standing next to such a supportive and unbelievably great dad.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there and all the women who step into motherhood through the friendship of children!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Happy Mother's Day to you. Your strength and words are such an inspiration and testament to the unconditional love a mother has for her children. Mac and your family are very lucky to have you and the love and support of his family and friends! Mrs. Scales - SMS

  3. Happy Mother's Day to YOU! I am glad that the ct scan was okay. It is so scary - living each day, with a possible bump in the road. Keep taking it one DAY one MOMENT at a time!
