Tuesday, August 21, 2012

1 Week until School!

As we enter our last week of summer vacation I am filled with so many emotions.

Liam is slowing slipping into a depression as each day passes and it gets closer and closer to school starting back up. It seems he has grown rather fond of his staying up late reading The Simpson’s comic books and then sleeping until 10. Although this last week will be the first week all summer that I don’t have to constantly nag him to do his summer reading or math since we finished it all on Friday. I don’t know who was happier about it me or him! I literally got up from the table when the last word was written on the final book report and did a jig!

Mac continues to amaze us with this strength and endurance. His hair is growing quickly and he even told his Occupational Therapist he was looking forward to starting school again “a little bit”. I am hoping his need for perfection will relax a bit when he starts school. He is so hard on himself when he makes a mistake. I only wish he could see himself through my eyes and see the constant reminder of courage, faith, hope, and all things in this world, that he is to me.

We have had some of the best times this summer as a family. When Mac was at Fenway Park last weekend and very innocent woman asked what his bracelet was for, when it was explained he would be throwing out the 1st pitch for the Spinners she responded with “how did you get so lucky?” I know nothing was meant by it but the comment made me want to cry and scream and have a fit any 2 year old would be jealous of. “Lucky” is not a word I would use to describe Mac or the reason he had the opportunity he had at Fenway Park.  “Lucky” is not a word I would use to describe the daily battles Mac faces just to try to be a “normal” kid. “Lucky” is not even a word I would use to describe the good days we have together as a family because for each and every one of those days Mac, Liam, Billy and I fight with everything we have just to get to them and sometimes through them. I am forever grateful for those good days but don’t feel “lucky” to have them.

As the boys return to school most parents have hopes their child does well, gets along well with others, and maybe even finds that one subject that will turn into a lifelong love or career for them. This year, I hope Mac finishes 1st grade and Liam learns how to be a kid again without so many grown-up worries. Please continue to send prayers and positive thoughts. 


  1. Lots of positive thoughts and prayers for Mac and your family. The things that people say sometimes are unbelievable. I hope that both boys get to enjoy some of the normal things in life like school!! Xoxo

  2. Please know a stranger in this world prays so very hard for you & your family. Every day, every night. Much love.
