Saturday, March 24, 2012

Busy Week

We all had a busy week this past week. Mac continues to go to radiation Monday - Friday. This week he got chemo as well on Monday. He continues to react well to his treatments. He was actually out riding his bike on Monday afternoon. We also went to clinic everyday. Monday - Wednesday they checked his blood cell counts and hydrated him via IV for a few hours. It made for really long days at the hospital. So Wednesday night a visiting nurse came and got us all set up at home to hydrate Mac overnight with a pump and IV. This also eliminates the need for me to constantly remind him that he needs to be drinking! Friday his red blood cells were a bit low so he got a transfusion. It was amazing to watch the color return to his face after only 10 minutes into the transfusion!

Mac will be home all next week with us!

"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies."
Mother Teresa

1 comment:

  1. Becky,

    I am always grateful to hear positive news of Mac's fight. The courage and bravery he exhibits is clearly a trait passed on to him by you, Billy and Liam.

    I'm happy to hear that the blood transfusion served him well, and I hope it encourages others to donate the next time they have the opportunity.

