Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Mac went in for his radiation mapping today. He did so well! It only took about half an hour for them to make his mask and do the mapping. It helped he was sedated! He also had a check up at the clinic. We were given the green light to return on Friday to check back in for round 2 of chemo. I am hoping this stay will only be 4 or 5 days so he can spend the 2nd half of Liam's vacation at home with him. He is sleeping so much better at home and just acts more like himself here. It has been so nice to have dinner as a family and return to our tradition of watching Wheel of Fortune every night!


  1. What wonderful news that Mac is home! <3

  2. Awesome! Here's to even better days ahead! Keep going Super Mac. All the best from Michigan. Love, The Flanagang

  3. Happy to read that he has been HOME!! Prayers that it will stay that way for as long as possible!!!!

    Nancy Whipple

  4. Here is a Wheel puzzle for you:

    -E-T--LL --N-S

    Clue: Erin at Applebee's

    I gave you the basics: RSTLN E

    Good luck!


  5. Glad he's home, everyone must be thrilled!! Hoping & praying he can enjoy vacation w/Liam too :) good luck this week & so happy the mapping went well! Take care!!


  6. Great news Becks, great news! I was thinking of you guys the other night during the 'Wheel'!

    So happy that you're getting some sense of normalcy!

  7. That is so great that he is doing well and home safe! I am a student of Mrs. Mclean and my friend Marissa an I love hearing these great updates! Mac is in our prayers! Take care and thank you for posting! Great news is always a good sign!
