Thursday, September 6, 2012

September 6, 2012

Well, we could not be happier with the MRI results from yesterday. I find myself looking back over his original MRI and seeing how far he has come. The fact that the tumor is continueing to get smaller is a miracle for our family. We cannot say enough about the people at the Floating Hospital. With the start of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month I find myself reflecting on our journey. It is funny how there are certain parts of our journey that I will never forget. I remember the ER doctor coming in while Mac was still sedated and sleeping, shutting off the tv, closing the door and saying “These are words I never want to have to say to parents. Your son has a very large tumor on his brain.” While saying this he put his hand on my shoulder to steady me and in a way offer his support.  I remember the very first nurse in the PICU giving us a tour of the unit and letting us know what to expect overnight.  She then turned to me and said “I know he is your son, but while he is here he is ours too.” I will never forget the feeling that came over me when the doctor sat down to give us the results of the pathology report. With tears flowing down her face she turned to us and said “Mac has a grade IV Astrocytoma. I’m sorry. The prognosis is not good.” When they say at the Floating Hospital they treat every child like their own it is absolutely true. In a way, January seems so long ago and so much has changed, but at the same time it seems like just yesterday. I know we have just started on this journey and that the road ahead will be paved with ups and downs, but for today we are celebrating this up and thanking God for all the people we have met and gotten closer with throughout this journey. 


  1. I've been smiling from ear to ear! I know that it's not the end of the road, and I know that I will continue to be in awe of the strength and determination that you all have, but jeez, this feels so good I wish I could bottle it!

  2. I am so glad you go some GOOD news!!! They nurses and doctors (all of the staff really) at Floating are so amazing!! They really are a second family!

    Nancy =)

  3. Becky,

    I was so excited to hear about Mac's news yesterday. I will be with you through every step of the way, always rooting for the Mac Attack!

    Here is hoping that the doctors and nurses continue to make amazing progress and help Mac win this fight! It sounds to me like Dr. Wolfe deeply cares for you all, and is devoted to getting Mac well again.

